RE-Imaged Pages
Giving Used Book Pages a New Image!
RE-Imaged Pages
Giving Used Book Pages a New Image!
Giving Used Book Pages a New Image!
Giving Used Book Pages a New Image!
Welcome to Re-Imaged Pages where old books are given new life through the art of book folding. As the Chief Book-Folder, it is my focus to transform used book pages into thought provoking pictures and personalized words by breathing new life into cherished volumes.
Browse through my gallery of completed projects or commission a personalized image that spells out a name, word, or date of your choice. Each creation is a unique blend of crafted pages and is perfect for book lovers, art enthusiasts, and anyone seeking a one-of-a-kind decorative gift.
Join me in celebrating the timeless charm of books, "reimagined" through the intricate art of book folding.
Laugh, Live, Love set $180
Silent Night with musical Note $120
Faith, Hope and Love $180
Amazing Grace $130
Book End Men (set of 2) $85
(stack books between the guys)
RE-Imaged Books are great for adding unique interest to your decor and as gifts.
Tightly wrapped Christmas tree, perfect for any corner table or bookshelf
A beautiful series of 3 books that help to make your Christmas season special
Imagine yourself making angels in the snow.
Perfect for reminding yourself you are being cared for.
Perfect for Christmas or Valentine's Day.
Also known as the Shield of David. An enduring symbol of Jewish heritage, faith and identity. A symbol of unity of faith.
RE-Imaged Books are great for adding unique interest to your decor and as gifts.
A symbol of harvest, growth, potential, and prosperity. Always remember to be thankful along with your celebrating what God has given you.
A symbol of good health and vitality or to show someone that he/she is the apple of your eye.
This pattern is very readable as wedding decor or as a gift to the new couple.
This font pattern is fancy and fun
Remember carving your initials into a tree to show your love? Now you can preserve those same initials--without the tree--on your bookshelf or table forever. (Check out my D♥J example)
"Love will keep us together" --Captain and Tennille
Two Hearts in one.
A universal symbol of love and romance. Give a rose that will never wilt!
An imaginative gift for a favorite Teacher
Great gift for the favorite Teacher or Librarian
This Apple well last forever (no worms allowed!)
BELIEVE is one of the most powerful words in all creation.
RE-Imaged Pages: Giving used book pages a new image.
An imaginative gift for a favorite Teacher
Great gift for the Favorite Teacher or Librarian
Believe is one of the most powerful words in all creation.
Some Hebrew and Greek. Each book is separate. Shalom means peace, Hessed is mercy and steadfast loyal-love). Jesus in Greek is pronounced (hey-sus)
Grace means "God's unmerited/undeserved favor.
Encourage each other to LIVE life to the fullest, LOVE deeply and remember to LAUGH often... These books are Individually priced at $70 or save with $180 for the set.
AMAZING GRACE has become our nations "national hymn" today. Beautifully scripted to remember your own transformations
TRUTH is essential for all of our lives.
FRIEND or FREINDS offer each of us unconditional acceptance and happiness. (Sold separately)
A reminder of 1 Corinthains 13:13 included in the conclusion of the "love chapter" by St. Paul. These books are Individually priced at $70 each or save money with the discounted price of $180 for the set.
A simple daily reminder to connect with God.
Congratulations to your long-awaited milestone.
Live life in full gratitude.
RE-Imaged Pages: Giving used book pages a new image.
Show some freedom with both abilities to fly and still remain safely at home
You have the power like the butterfly to transform and embrace change. This is solid picture giving great detail of a butterfly
This is an outlined picture of a light and carefree creature
A very content cat with a heart marking on the chest
The family favorite, wiener dog. This pet will greet you every time you walk by without a single bark.
A great reminder of an great cainine compainion.
A reminder of transformations: from "ugly duckling" to elegantly poised swan. Grace and Beauty!
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A reminder of the preciousness of life itself. Psalms 139:13-16... "You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb..."
A great toy of adventure in childhood in innocence. Take a carefree ride to imaginary worlds in childhood remembering the past.
A little girl with some lighthearted fun sharing love, joy, and a sense of laughter with family or friends.
Take a ride down memory lane with a vintage bicycle. Imagine the breeze on your face and sun pushing your back. Bring to mind a time that was simpler with much less stress.
The anchor has a deep meaning of Faith. It reminds us to remain grounded, stable, and solid amongst the raging storms of life.
My personal favorite. One Right, One Left. Use these boys as book ends on your bookshelf or as symbols of pushing and pulling. Allow these twins to hold all kinds of things together in your life.
Most everyone can relate to enjoying a hot cup of coffee/tea. This is a great gift for the hot beverage drinker.
A simple symbol of a home full of love. A wonderful housewarming gift for the new home buyer/renter.
All good homes are spelled with heart.
For the artist, dancer, or creative one. Here is a perfect gift expressing the creative side.
"He's got the whole world in His hands." Use your hands to love those around you and share it through this book.
A symbol of perfect love -- and this one will never wilt.
Put on the glasses of optimism, and you'll see a world full of possibilities.
A Vintage sewing machine. A marvelous gift for the quilter, seamstress, dressmake in your life.
Life is like a musical note--it may be brief, but it has the power to create harmony, inspire joy, and leave a lasting beat in the hearts of others.
RE-Imaged Pages: Giving used book pages a new image. © 2025
RE-Imaged Pages is a new chapter in creativity
I hope you will join me in celebrating the timeless charm of books, reimagined through the intricate art of book folding.
Let me encourage you to contact me to request any of the projects you see in this gallery or commission a book with a name or word, name or date you would like for me to create for you.
All of the books are used volumes. I do not attempt to match the re-imaged pages created with the content of the book. If that occurs, it is probably coincidence or simply a "divine providence."
If you are interested in purchasing a re-imaged book, please contact me through texting or email. I accept payment through: Cash, Venmo or PayPal
Please let me know how I can provide a unique book for your needs.
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